SEO For My Website

How To Do SEO For My Website?

What Is SEO? & How To Do SEO For My Website?

SEO is a parameterized task that helps you rank a webpage or website in search engines. These search engines could be Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, and so on. The display page of results in search engines is called SERPs (Search Engine Ranking Pages).

I would suggest the best way to do SEO for my website would be focusing on ‘Content Creation’ and ‘On-Page’ SEO. No matter what, if you have got these 2 strong bases, you’re all good to go.

Generally, the SEO results shown are called ‘Organic Result’. Why organic? Because it does not cost anything to rank your site. It’s absolutely free. Whereas, the ads displayed above the organic results are SEM paid ads.

For WordPress – Install & Activate Yoast Plugin

There are several factors on which SEO can be executed to improve the ranking. Being a beginner, you don’t need to worry about its complexity. If you are using WordPress for your site, things are going to be much easier ahead. You just need to Go To -> Plugins Section in the left menus. Add Plugins -> Search For ‘Yoast SEO’.

Yoast SEO Plugin
Yoast SEO Plugin

Keyword Analysis

Before you begin with SEO, it is essential to research a keyword that you’re planning to implement on the page.

A. Google Suggestions

At the initial stage, don’t rush to buy any expensive SEO tool. Instead, just use the free tools available across the web. One of the best tools is ‘Google Suggestions‘.

You can pick up a phrase or query, by typing in your keyword halfway. And the tool will suggest to you some popular keywords to select from.

For instance, my page is about providing consultation to businesses. So I typed in ‘Business Consultant‘. So search suggested me with some popular keywords which also has ‘Business Consultant Services‘ in the list.

My search for a perfect keyword doesn’t end here. I did the search again by changing the first letter of the 3rd word. Such as ‘Business Consultant M‘. The suggestion came up with several answers to that. This also included ‘Business Consultant Melbourne‘.

Keyword Analysis Google Suggestion
Keyword Analysis – Google Suggestion

Further, I decided to incorporate both the keywords within my article/page content, which is great.

However, I’ll still be in need of clarification about which of the two keywords is more helpful and effective. So, I planned to use 2 more free tools (which were still optional).

B. Google Trends

The second tool is ‘Google Trends‘.

Here, you may compare up to 5 relevant keywords to see the search volume. Sometimes, it may show you the results due to limited data. However, you get a clear idea of which of the keywords has the potentials to rank in the search engine.

For instance, I compared both chosen keywords ‘business consultant services’ and ‘business consultant Melbourne’. As expected, people within Melbourne are more searching for ‘Business Consultant Melbourne’ over the other.

Google Trends
Keyword Analysis – Google Trends

Here, I finalized the ‘Focus Keyword’ for my page as ‘Business Consultant Melbourne’.

C. Other Tool – (Free & Paid Features)

This tool is completely optional. Still, if you are unsure about the keyword you’ve chosen. This tool will suggest you go with the right one.

Keyword Analysis

I just typed in ‘Business Consultant’, and selected the language as per the country ‘Australia/English’

As the tool has some paid features to display the overall data. So I just assumed the popularity of keyword ‘Business Consultant Melbourne’ is beyond the other one.

This is a kind of assurity that you’ve chosen the right keyword.

Focus / Primary Keyword

Once the plugin is activated and ready to implement. You can edit the page you want to optimize with SEO.

Action> Scroll the page to the bottom, in order to customize the SEO section for the page.

Without Focus Keyword your SEO is incomplete. SEO strategy all begins with a primary keyword. The keyword that helps a page rank in the search engine when a user searches for the same keyword.

For example, Your page is about ‘Tuscan Chicken Recipe‘. This is a short keyword that is difficult to rank for a new site or a blog. It’s better you increase the length of a keyword.

And make it ‘Tuscan Chicken Recipe Slow Cooking‘ or ‘Tuscan Chicken Recipe In Earthern Pot

Another example of a Focus Keyword has already been mentioned: A consultancy page named ‘Business Consultant’.

Suitable moderately competitive keywords such as ‘Business Consultant Melbourne‘ or similar.

The more exact & long-phrase the better chances of ranking.

Meta Title, Permalink & Description

Action> Now Switch to ‘Desktop‘ View within the plugin.

The Title is the first copy written about the page. It should be plotted in a way that your result should get maximum clicks (also called CTR – Click Through Rate).

The Description goes along with the Title. If a user is impressed with your SEO Title for the page, one would also read your description to make sure it has everything the user is looking for.

Note: If your description does not match the Title for even 20%. Users may think it’s irrelevant. And won’t click on your result.

Permalink is a permanent link that is the major part of the URL (link). This makes an address of a page or post unique. For example, your blog’s domain name is And you’re creating a page/post about ‘What Are Our Services?’. So by adding the Slug/Permalink Our-Services or Our-Work. The final and unique link/URL for the post will be [].

All SEO Meta
All SEO Meta

Important ‘Permalink’ In Settings

It is essential to know how and what your link styling would be. If you leave it as it is, the URL length will increase. And search engines don’t prefer longer links. Even ranking of such URL becomes difficult.

Instead, select the ‘Post Name’ option from the Permalink’s main Settings.

Here’s what you should do.

SEO Permalink Settings
SEO Permalink Settings
SEO Permalink
SEO Permalink

Featured Image + ALT Text

A featured image is the fundamental image that speaks for your page/post. It does not affect the outcome of SEO thoroughly. However, the SEO score drops without this primary visual content.

When you upload a featured image, you’ll see some options. These include ALT, Title, Caption, and Description of the image.

Ensure you use the Focus Keyword within the ALT Text of your Featured image. For other images uploaded on the same page/post, use ALT according to the image type. For example, your ALT text for the featured image would be ‘ Chili Manchurian Sizzler Recipe’. Same as the focus keyword.

Featured Image
Featured Image
Image ALT Text
Image ALT Text

You must use ALT Text depending on the type of image content is being displayed. For your consultancy business, you may use any relevant keywords like ‘Consultancy Melbourne’.

However, for the Featured image, you must use the Focus Keyword as your ALT Text without a doubt.

Use Heading Tags Carefully: H1, H2, H3, H4, and so on

So while you write a page content or blog post, be careful about how you use the heading tags.

The title of your post is always H1. Because it is unique, you cannot add another H1 to your page.

You can use H2 tags as your main heading for every step you explain. For instance, for each step of the 6 steps of the recipe, use H2 headings. If you’re planning to explain more into every step. Divide your content into 300 words under each heading (any H2, H3, or H4).

Writing beyond 300 words, under any heading or sub-heading will affect your readability score.

1st & 2nd Paragraphs

Ensure, your first and second paragraphs are impressive enough. So that users won’t leave your page assuming useless content.

Remember: If the user stays longer on your page, it gives an indication to the search engines, about your content and service quality. This eventually helps your page get ranked better than before.


For doing a well-optimized SEO for my website, I would not neglect the readability tool.

It is a major tool within Yoast SEO. It helps a user improve the quality of the content. It detects several issues such as repeated words, long sentences, major grammar requirements, and so on.

As said, It assists one with separating and sorting long content into smaller paragraphs. The set of paragraphs with 300 words under each heading. This increases the chances of ‘Paragraph Indexing’ which is an important ranking and snippet factor.

Internal & External Links

In order to effectively do SEO for my website, I would focus more on the internal links instead of backlinks.

Internal links are connections of one page/post to several other pages/posts of your own blog in the form of links.

Try publishing at least 10-12 pages or 13 to 15 posts in the first month. The more the better!

But the page of a site is always limited. It’s better to start publishing blog posts to expedite the rank improvement process.

Once you start achieving an increased number of posts. Now is the opportunity to start linking one post to several pages or other posts. You also need to maintain relevance.

Read this for an instance, Product Page Ranking Technique – ALDI Products

Suggestion > Every Important Page of your site should have incoming links. This means, at least 4-5 posts should navigate to your important page. This is one of the significant and effective methods of improving rank.

You can even create a set of 10 links and add those at the bottom of every article (posts only). If you keep on switching the links would be well and good.

Just ensure you are not overdoing it. And importantly, the linked posts should be relevant to your article. Internal links help you build an ecosystem. Further, improve SEO too.

The external links are links you navigate from your site to someone else’s site or blog. You can limit the addition of external links. This is completely optional. And do not add external links unless the linked page is highly relevant to the content you’ve written.

Rich Snippet (In Brief)

It is a format of content that helps your content to appear in the search engine in a unique form. The snippet results are generally eye-catching and grab the user’s attention.

It is also known as schema mark-up. It marks a part of your content and shows it to the audiences looking for your keyword/query.

Rich results increase the CTR (click-through rate) which drives huge traffic to your site.

You may even bookmark the page for your future use. We generally keep on updating our content. Soon would update this ‘How To Do SEO For My Website’ article for your better understanding.

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