AI Graphic Designer

AI Graphic Designer Earn $5000+ P/M From Now

Along with other professionals, Graphic Designers are too worried about losing their jobs with the coming of AI technology. Here’s the good news, Graphic Designers won’t lose their jobs or business, instead the way they are working will be changed to some extent. So, does AI Graphic Designer has any hope to make living?

Yes, AI Graphic Designing is the new career and the new label for those interested in machine learning systems. Where spending hours in designing each matter was required, the same will be created in a couple of minutes using the smart prompts. Designing Prompts are the new learning subjects that AI Graphic Designers need to study and understand to make their work easy peasy. This AI technique will not only SPEED UP CREATIVITY TIME but GENERATE HIGH PAYING AI GRAPHIC DESIGNING JOBS and BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES.

Before we begin here’s a quick glance at what we’ll be covering in this chapter:

  1. Joining in the AI Designing Tool
  2. Creating Futuristic Image Blending a Character + Background
  3. Design AI Logo For a Brand
  4. Create a Movie Poster or Character Banner – For Jack Sparrow
  5. Horror Scene Background
  6. Imaginary Character Blended With City Portrait

So basically, we’ll create 5 AI Designs for beginner Graphic Designers so they start generating revenue today onwards.

Mid Journey For AI Graphic Designer

Our team has tried Mid Journey for creating artistic and mind-blowing AI designs and AI images. The results were just unbelievable.

Basically, one has to begin learning and creating AI images by creating their own server on Discord. If you’re unfamiliar with the steps to begin, here our teammate has created a helpful guidance tutorial. It will cover a quick understanding of how to create a server for free on discord associated with Mid Journey. Then, use the correct prompts to make fascinating designs, backgrounds, characters, and more.

Steps To Create AI Graphic Designs In Minutes:

  • Search in ‘MidJourney Ai’, or just visit the site
  • Sign in if already have a Discord account. If not, simply register by providing the required details. Now before you sign in, visit your email inbox to verify the email. Once done log in using your credentials.
  • In the Left bar, you find a + icon. Just click on it, and some options to create a server will pop up. Choose ‘Create My Own’. Further, skip other options, you can do those later.
  • Now, Customize Your Server Name and save it. Don’t worry about other options, just hit ‘Not Now’.
  • In case, if you get lost just reload or visit the again. It’ll ask you to ‘Authorize’ the connection for further access.
  • This will take you to the profile page. Just go back to the main dashboard. Here you’ll get into the ‘Explore Public Servers’. Search Midjourney, and select the one.
  • There are some quick steps to take before you begin. Start with the ‘Announcement’ tab in the sidebar under INFO. Just see if any special announcement that you shouldn’t miss.
  • Then look into the status, rules, faqs, getting started, and welcome tabs.
  • Within the welcome tab, just select the thumbs-up icon as an instant response.
  • Back to the ‘Announcement’ tab, on the top-right end, you’ll see a members list. Find ‘Midjourney Bot’ within.
  • ‘Add to Server’, now ‘Select Your Server’ that you just created. Continue and AUthorize the connection.
  • Once done, go back to your Server – within ‘General’ you can see ‘Midjourney Bot’. That means you’re now ready to in-feed your prompts and begin creating AI Designs.

Here are 5 prompts that we used to create AI images and designs:

1Creating Futuristic Image Blending a Character + Background
a. For this, I’ll get into the message bar, and upload 2 images that I’ve already downloaded using the + icon.
(you might see ToS appearing when using it for the 1st time, just accept the ToS and proceed)
b. Copy the Image address of the first image
c. Within the message bar, I’ll type in /imagine, and select to write the prompt.
d. Paste the image URL, give 1 space, then copy the 2nd image address, use a space,
e. Now type in any requirement you have got. I want it to be like Metaverse, Futuristic, Powerful, Cyberpunk, –v 4
(Enter – This may take a minute or 2 to get the output)
f. Out of the 4 outputs, I liked the 1st one. So, let’s select U1. And here is the final output. Let’s view it in a browser.
g. Here’s how AI blended a Character image with a City Background Image, making it super-futuristic. Save it using right click option if you want to. You can modify it as per your requirements.
h. I’ll use 1 variation. Here are 4 results. Again I’ll go with the first one. And here’s the final output making it more fascinating and eye-catching.
Let’s quickly jump to another prompt, which is:
2Designing AI Logo For a Branda. In this example, I won’t be using any image, but only the text and the logic behind it.
b. The prompt is /imagine prompt black and white abstract logo, text ‘R n B’, transparent background, futuristic, –v 4
c. And here are the 4 outputs. I’ll choose the U2 i.e. the 2nd one. You can see how beautifully it has been designed without much effort.
d. Further, you can use software like Adobe Express, Canva, or any free tool to Remove the Background. Your logos will be ready to deliver to your clients in a matter of minutes.
e. Apply some variations if you want to get some better options.
The next prompt is:
3Create a Movie Poster or Character Banner – Let’s Say For Jack Sparrowa. Again I’m not using any image, it’s just the logic behind
b. /imagine prompt blend city with Jack Sparrow close up face, sweaty skin, wide-open eyes, realistic, –v 4
c. Out of the 4 outputs, I’ll go with the 4th one. Here’s the end result. This result is much better than what I expected.
d. Only the thing is that it did not come up with a hint of the city. This hint we’ll use in the next example.
4Imaginary Character Blended With City Portrait a. Now, for the next Imaginary Character, we’ll use the same image of Jack Sparrow to get a more appealing outcome.
b. Let’s first download a ‘City Portrait’ image to blend it with our new AI character; Uploading it through the message bar.
c. Now, copy the Image address of our new AI character
d. Use /imagine prompt blend, mask images, –v 4 (Enter)
e. These are results that I never thought I could get using a non-existing character and a city portrait.
Here’s an amazing piece of art.
f. Further, you may create variations if you’d like to.
Our last example of AI Graphic Design is the:
Horror Scene Background
a. /imagine prompt old palace background, horror scene, blend stranger things, pyramid, –v 4 (Enter)
b. With a slight twist, in another prompt we’ll remove ‘blend’ from stranger things so that we can compare which prompt gives better results
c. I personally liked the blending result comparatively. And so, I’ll go with the 3rd image from the former result.
d. Now this horror background can be used with Chroma or Green Screen background. With added smoke, sound and effects you can bring this horror scene live.
e. Apply variations wherever needed.
AI Graphic Designers Creation Task

Dall.E.2 For AI Graphic Designer

On the other hand, the use of Dall.E.2 by Open AI, has its own specialty giving out amazing results. Dall.E.2 to generate imaginary pictures and designs using prompts. The prompts used in Dall.E.2 are way too different from that of ‘Mid Journey’. Mid Journey requires a basic understanding of extracting URL addresses from images in order to apply those with the prompts. Dall.E.2 does not require so, it is similar to ChatGPT where you can type in your message in mentioning what type of result you want to see.

We’ll soon come up with a detailed tutorial on How to use Dall.E.2 to Generate AI Designs and Images in Minutes

The use of Mid Journey and Dall.E.2 might seem different, however, the terminology and description used in creativity such as an old angry woman, holding a pen, standing in dark; remains the same. This is generally the characterization that is quite essential to describe in order to get the perfect output.

How To Sell AI Designs?

In order to begin selling AI designs, you must be skilled enough to generate eye-captivating images that are hard to believe exist. This does not mean images have to be out of the world. However, a touch of fascination, realism, and sharp polishing is needed to deliver the finest art. Once you achieve this level, get your portfolio ready. Now is the time to sell your service at the price.

These are current market demands in terms of AI designs:

  • Scene Background (Adventure, Palace, War-Zone, Forest, etc,)
  • Abstract Designs
  • AI Logos
  • Gaming Characters and BG Scenes
  • Fantasy Atmosphere and much more.

The number of sales is thoroughly based on the platform you choose to provide your services. Showcasing your services on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok kind of social media platforms will grow the number of AI Design Sales each month.

You may sell each service starting from as low as $50 to even $5000 for each AI design. For practical specifications watch our video above. And for AI Designing services reach our teammate.

Conclusion On AI Graphic Designer

Today’s graphic designers are to learn the basics of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Designing and Images to lead the competition. With the fastest-changing technology, the smartest people are immersing themselves in learning the system. The one who implements what’s needed in the market will never lose the job, just a switch to the way of working will be made. This is quite easier and better. With the coming AI Graphic Designers’ career and opportunities, freelancers and small designing businesses will be able to make $5000+ as the starting point.

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