Make Money Online

2022’s – 7 Verified Methods To Make Money Online

How many methods have to try in the past year to make money online? Did it work?

It’s quite necessary for a beginner or a failed person to keep on trying with one of these methods. Not all but focusing on one method would drag you to success, believe it or not.

1. How To Earn From YouTube And #Shorts?

You can basically make money from YouTube in 5 ways. Here are those:

A. YouTube’s Per 1000 Views

The higher the CPM, the more you make. Through this method, you can start earning right after your channel is monetized. The geographical location matter a lot. If your audiences/viewers are from the United States, UK, Australia, or Canada; expect an unbelievable return on your efforts. However, due to the Hindi language of video content, your viewers would be usually from India, Nepal, and Pakistan. And so the CPM would be comparatively low to moderate.

B. Affiliate Products

Try selling out some affiliate products relevant to videos; leaving the link in the description. For instance, if you’re running a ‘Crypto’ based YouTube channel, encourage users to invest through your referral link.

C. Sponsorships

Once you achieve around 10k Subscribers, the sponsorship opportunities will rise like anything. As you’ll become an emerging influencer, people would gradually believe in you. And you may ask them to check out suggested products for their benefits.

D. Merchandise

This is an advanced level of selling. Here, you encourage or recommend your loyal subscribers to get the products at a valuable rate. The products could be in the form of T-Shirts, Mugs, Bags, etc.

Or you can just ask your viewers to Buy a Coffee for you. This method is basically crowdfunding where your subscribers support you in terms of funds.

E. YouTube #Shorts

This is one of the most famous and effective ways to make money online. Until 2021, the #Shorts were welcomed and implemented by many creators. In the year 2022, this is going to bring huge competition. The more the competition, the higher the revenue would be.

2. Selling a Single User Premium Images

You might have heard of Google’s MUM Update. It’s 1000 times powerful than the preceding BERT algorithm. It not only understands written text but all formats of content. These include Videos, Images, Iframes, Podcasts, etc.

This update has encouraged SEOs and users to make their content extremely unique. Even the images you include have to be self-clicked and not downloaded from the web.

Imagine, when you upload a single royalty-free image for ‘Digital Marketing’; It has already been downloaded thousands and million times from all across the world.

Uploading already used content means your content is not unique enough. And the priority will be given to the articles where 100% content including images, texts, and all forms are never been used before.


Here you’ve got a super opportunity to sell unique images to users with a Single License Per User. This basically means once a licensed image is sold to a user, the same will be removed from the stock. This is because selling a single-user license for that image will transfer the ownership of content to the buyer.

Imagine, you click 1000 photos and upload them to sell under a single license each. The premium price can get you unbelievable revenue through this source of online income.

3. Blogging

Blogging is the first choice of every new content creator.


  • Because it’s easy to manage
  • No-need to show your face
  • Write any-time of the day or night (no specific time required)
  • Search Analysis is easy
  • Writing gets improved within first 6 months of writing
  • You become a professional blogger just by delivering valuable posts several times in a week.

Though the process of blogging is easier compared to all other ways to make money online. It has some drawbacks as well.

The drawbacks of blogging:

  • It takes longer to earn a good amount of consistent income from blogging. Sometimes between 1 year to 3 years.
  • Bloggers generally give-up in the first 6-8 months of blogging due to no impressive results.
  • Building up authority within a niche takes longer.
  • Sponsors don’t prefer advertising on new blogs due to no to low traffic.
  • Some affiliate companies may reject your site due to the same reason of limited traffic.

Note: Blogging requires dedication and consistent work.

Solution: Understand the number of content you need to publish each week. Compare your site’s progress month-wise so that you won’t give up.

Note 2: There are thousands of bloggers making a full-time income from the blogging business. If they can do it, you can do it too.

Note 3: Follow a mentor while you start a blog. Either through a blog, YouTube or get a Course. You can understand the mistakes to avoid in order to gain success in less time.

4. Dropshipping

Some people just hate this term.

Why so?

Maybe they have tried dropshipping and failed terribly.

Dropshipping does fail if not worked on it in the right way.

Here’s what you need to do to start a successful dropshipping business:

  1. Research for a single product that is hardly available on other eCommerce websites or markets. You either use AliExpress or similar wholesale platforms where you can find a range of products at a low cost.
  2. Open a Shopify account, choose a plan, and build your eCommerce store easily.
  3. Some beginners may find Shopify expensive, there’s an alternate you can start with.
  4. Set up your website either on WordPress by installing a Wocommerce Plugin.
  5. With WordPress, you’ll also need a Plugin called ‘AliDropship’. This is a paid plugin where you’ll have to pay one time fee to use it on a single website store.
  6. With the Alidropship plugin, you can import your product details including text, images, videos, and all content in a single click.
  7. Another advantage of Alidropship is that once you receive the order, it is directly fulfilled by the seller. And the order is delivered to the customer according to the given delivery time.
  8. Promote your online eCommerce business through Facebook Ads, TikTok Ads, and similar platforms.

With the dropshipping method, you may not have to inform the seller about every order. It’s an automated system. The seller delivers the items to the right customer at the right address.

The extreme benefits of dropshipping are:

  • You can create your own brand and sell valuable products to the potential customers
  • Track the order whether it is delivered to the customer
  • You don’t have to stock up the products in the warehouse
  • You can set the profit margin as you like
  • You don’t have to navigate customers to other’s sites like in the case of Affiliate Marketing. This maintains your brand’s credibility.

Note: It is advisable that you should keep an eye on sales you make. And contact the seller in a timely manner to ensure the smooth functioning of online business.

5. Sell Creativity

Being a creative animal, you could sell this creative stuff and make money online:

  • Graphic Designs
  • Templates, Themes and Layouts
  • Video AfterEffects
  • Sound Effects, Intro Music and Audios
  • Art, Painting and Anecdotes
  • Illustrations and Vector Designs

Though the online market is fully packed with such content, there’s still a huge demand for new designs in 2022.

As said, Google’s MUM update is hunting for unique content. And you’ve got the opportunities to deliver creative stuff that people would demand in the future.

6. Mentorship / Launch Your Online Video Courses

What is mentorship by the way?

It is a process where a successful professional teaches and guides beginners on how to achieve success by doing the right thing.

For instance, a famous blogger named ‘Jeff Bullas’ has been doing blogging successfully. He has an opportunity to provide a platform for beginners to teach them the right way of blogging.

And the audience will trust him based on his previous and continuous achievements in blogging.

So he has the authority to become a mentor. Following a good mentor, gets you successful in lesser time than the average.

Similarly, if you are good at something, and have achieved some sort of success in it. You can create a replica format to guide beginners or people in need.

The guidance can be provided in the form of a Free and Paid series of courses.

Note: Offering paid courses is just not enough for a mentor to be a loyal informer. You need to create some mediums where your students can communicate with you. And you or your team would assist them in every step required.

This would provide value for the money students invested in your courses.

7. Create a Free Tool, Portal, Or App

How you ever wondered, why Search Engines, Social Media Networks, and similar giant tech companies are so successful? Even though their majority of products and services are free, still how do they earn more than any other company?

The answer is data. Because they provide free valuable services and products, they get tons of traffic each day. People do fulfill their needs without spending a single penny on these platforms.

So these big companies accumulate the data of users, which is more valuable and costly than money. Using these user data, they keep on serving more and more users by rolling the content in a loop.

Earning from services is considered a secondary goal.

Similarly, you should be a portal, tool, or app which provides tons of value to the users. All your intention should be to drive in huge traffic and use the product all for free. The condition is, it must be productive and benefit the user in fulfilling their related needs.

You may create a secondary service within the same platform to be served as paid service. This would be the medium of revenue. Just like search engines have SEM as a medium of revenue. It is also considered secondary.

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