Small Business Ideas For Women 2

If you haven’t read the first info-guide, do jump onto the small Business Ideas For Women – Australia – New Zealand

Copy Writing and Proof Reading

Copywriting is writing a professional piece of content to acquire sales. This technology is used in advertisements or email newsletters. And for the catchy appeal which encourages a customer to make a purchase right away.

You may call it “wordly” magic.

This is a skillful activity, which requires a minimum experience of at least 6 months.

You may either create a website service where you can deliver this service. But generally, people don’t look for proofreaders in search. Because those companies come with the expensive prices.

Instead, people visit freelance portals to seek valuable services at a low cost.

Even you start with copywriting and proofreading services. The recommended portals are Fiverr and Upwork.

Personal Advisor

Due to the confidential & reserved nature, people do not really share or ask personal queries. They don’t even like to share it with the closed ones. Even extroverts won’t do.

These could be several queries about saving money, maintaining relationships, behavioral issues, and more. People do have problems. And to resolve those they Google it.

Not every question can be generally answered if you believe in so.

Get your knowledge of expertise into action. And provide some value to the needy people.

The best way would be to create your very own platform. And take the queries of people and answer those wisely.

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